Registration for Shakespeare In Love is NOW open!
All students interested in being part of the cast OR crew need to complete the TWO STEP process prior to September 3, 2024.
Go to the CP Portal at Students will need to register AND apply to audition.
Any student who has not previously participated in a Colonial Players production will need to register first. This is a one time form that can be updated whenever necessary. If you previously registered, please use your student ID as the username and password.
Next, all students interested in being part of the cast OR crew must complete the audition form. Students will not be able to apply to audition until they have completed their registration and uploaded a headshot.
When completing the audition form, it is important to note the following:
When answering the ensemble question for cast, if auditionees do not select yes and do not earn a leading role, they will not be cast in the show.
When answering the tech question, please select any teams you would like to be a part of regardless of your desired position in the show. If you do not select any teams, and do not earn your desired part, you will not be a member of the production.
Questions about the show should be directed to Technical issues can be directed to
Information about the show, including audition materials can be found here: