Tarzan Wins 5 Cappies
At Saturday’s tenth annual Greater Philadelphia Area Cappies Theater Awards, the Colonial Players presentation of Tarzan took home awards in five categories:
Senior Critic – Graham Ely
Marketing and PR – Hanna Carr, Raquel Dunoff, Carli Fine, Lina Shi, Julia Song, Josh Araujo
Stage Crew – Abbie Polsky, Raquel Dunoff, Kelsey Gavin, Greg Baratta, Sarah Clancy, Emma Clancy, Jessica Freels, Erin Moore, Jamie Sciarrone
Special Effects – Kevin Arnett, Sammi Baker, Chris Mahan, Mark Polarine, Frankie Prsunowski
Makeup – Myah Jones, Lesset Ramirez, Leah Schick, Haley Sedgwick, Adriana Seitz
In addition, the Players were nominated for 6 other awards, including Musical, and were asked to perform their show stopping number “Trashin’ the Camp” for the 1300+ in attendance.
The Greater Philadelphia Cappies was created to encourage and advance the training of student writers, performing artists and technical crews. Over 30 High Schools participated during the 2014-2015 school year which is aimed at fostering community recognition of student achievement in theater arts.